To do this, please follow these steps :
Enter the destination of your choice in the search bar at the top of the site and go to the dedicated page.
Click on "Add to cart", then go to your shopping cart.
Enter the code DESTIFREE20 in the "Vouchers" area and click on "OK" to validate your code.
Click on "Proceed to checkout".
Enter your email address to create your Desticity account.
Your login details (e-mail + password) will be required to connect to the Desticity mobile application and access your audio guides.
Download the Desticity application to your smartphone :
Login to the app with your email / password for your Desticity account (created in step 3).
Go to the "My Guides" section and find all your audio guides ready to listen.
Plug in your headphones and open your eyes wide !
Visit the city with pleasure by listening to the audio guides in front of the monuments and sites.
The app can be used in "offline" mode. To do this, remember to download your audio guides to your smartphone beforehand.